Algunos cursos muy interesantes de libre acceso…

Algunos cursos muy interesantes de libre acceso…

El otro día leí una noticia muy interesante. Por lo visto, han creado una plataforma donde algunos de los centros y universidades más prestigiosas del mundo (entre los que se encuentran el Massachusetts Institute of Technology, la Universidad de Beckeley y la Universidad de Harvard) ponen a disposición del que quiera una colección de cursos gratuitos (o de pequeño coste económico) muy interesantes. Este portal se llama edX.

Como veis, hay una gran colección y de temáticas muy distintas (para cursarlos hay que saber inglés). Yo estoy pensando en hacer alguno y esta es mi selección:

Fundamentals of Biology


Prof. Eric Lander
Prof. Robert Weinberg
Prof. Tyler Jacks
Prof. Hazel Sive
Prof. Graham Walker
Prof. Sallie Chisholm
Dr. Michelle Mischke



Course Description

Fundamentals of Biology focuses on the basic principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and recombinant DNA. These principles are necessary to understanding the basic mechanisms of life and anchor the biological knowledge that is required to understand many of the challenges in everyday life, from human health and disease to loss of biodiversity and environmental quality.

Marine Chemistry



Dr. Dierdre Toole
Dr. Karen Casciotti
Dr. Meg Tivey
Dr. Scott Doney
Dr. William Martin

MIT Course Number:




Course Description

This course is an introduction to chemical oceanography. It describes reservoir models and residence time, major ion composition of seawater, inputs to and outputs from the ocean via rivers, the atmosphere, and the sea floor. Biogeochemical cycling within the oceanic water column and sediments, emphasizing the roles played by the formation, transport, and alteration of oceanic particles and the effects that these processes have on seawater composition. Cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, and sulfur. Uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide by the ocean. Material presented through lectures and student-led presentation and discussion of recent papers.

Genomics and Computational Biology



Dr. George Church

MIT Course Number:



Undergraduate / Graduate

Course Description

This course will assess the relationships among sequence, structure, and function in complex biological networks as well as progress in realistic modeling of quantitative, comprehensive, functional genomics analyses. Exercises will include algorithmic, statistical, database, and simulation approaches and practical applications to medicine, biotechnology, drug discovery, and genetic engineering. Future opportunities and current limitations will be critically addressed. In addition to the regular lecture sessions, supplementary sections are scheduled to address issues related to Perl, Mathematica and biology.


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