Hola de nuevo.
Aquí os pongo también una información sobre un congreso muy interesante que se celebrará en Grecia en junio del año que viene.
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the ATHENS 2017 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management will be held in Athens, Greece from 21st to 24th June 2017.
The Conference aims to address the significant issue of sustainable solid waste management through the promotion of safe practices & effective technologies. Separation at source, Biological Treatment, the treatment at central facilities, waste prevention, biowaste utilization, recycling promotion, sludge management, management of specific waste streams (agricultural and livestock waste, construction and demolition waste, WEEE, etc) constitute main conference subjects. Special attention will be drawn to the valorization prospects & the products produced of solid waste, such as: biofuels, compost, materials, etc. The new concept of this conference is that it hopes to strengthen the link of the applied research with industry. Emphasis will be placed on Food Industry. Biotechnology, Circular economy, Best Available techniques, symbiosis networks, energy consumption and saving, carbon footprint and water footprint, zero-waste initiatives, marine litter constitute the new target areas of the conference.
Authors wishing to submit a paper should send an abstract via the conference website (http://www.athens2017.uest.gr/index.php/conerence/abstract-submission) by 31st December 2016.
Τhe best ATHENS 2017 papers will be published after evaluation:
- in a Special Issue of WASTE & BIOMASS VALORIZATION (Springer Editions) (http://www.springer.com/engineering/journal/12649) in collaboration with Prof. Ange Nzihou, Editor-in-Chief & Prof. Maria Loizidou, Guest Editor & Chair of the Scientific Committee
- in a Special Issue of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and POLLUTION RESEARCH (Springer Editions, Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, D. Malamis, Impact Factor: 2.760)
- The best review papers on biotechnology will be published in the open access journal ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (EJBT) (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 1.403).
More collaborating journals will be announced soon.
Antonis Mavropoulos (ISWA President), Ange Nzihou (Ecole des Mines d’ Albi), David Newman (President at World Biogas Association, former ISWA President), Costas Velis (University of Leeds) are indicative keynote speakers.
A HORIZON2020 session will be included in the oral sessions with the presence of European Commission representatives. Indicative info about the splendid social events and excursions will soon be available.
Indicative hotel alternatives are available at: http://www.athens2017.uest.gr/index.php/accomodation.
More information is available at: www.athens2017.uest.gr. You can also contact the Scientific Secretariat, Dr. K. Moustakas (konmoust@central.ntua.gr).
We look forward to meeting you in Athens for ATHENS 2017 Conference and we remain at your disposal for any clarification.
Kind Regards
Dr. Konstantinos Moustakas
National Technical University of Athens
School of Chemical Engineering
Unit of Environmental Science & Technology
9, Heroon Polytechniou Street
Zographou Campus, Athens
Tel: +30 2107723108, Fax: +30 2107723285
Email: konmoust@central.ntua.gr
Website: www.uest.gr; http://uest.ntua.gr
ATHENS 2017 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management
21-24 June 2017, Athens, Greece
Deadline for abstract submission: 31/12/2016