ORBIT 2016, 10th International Conference on “Circular Economy and Organic Waste”, 25-28 of May 2016  Heraklion, Crete, Greece

ORBIT 2016, 10th International Conference on “Circular Economy and Organic Waste”, 25-28 of May 2016 Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Como habréis visto, este 2016 es un año repleto de citas internacionales relacionadas con la agestión de los residuos orgánicos y el compostaje. Pues como no podía ser menos, aquí os traigo la información del congreso europeo ORBIT 2016, uno de las citas más importantes de esta temática:

ORBIT 2016


ORBIT 2016. Circular Economy and Organic Waste Management. 10th International Conference on “Circular Economy and Organic Waste”, 25-28 of May 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece



Welcome to ORBIT 2016

 As circular economy is moving higher and higher up the scientific, technical, political and business agenda, the organic waste sector is orientated to the management and recovery of resources. By the end of 2015, the European Commission aims to present a new circular economy strategy, which will “transform Europe into a more competitive resource-efficient economy, addressing a range of economic factors, including waste”. Additionally, implementing circular opportunities at a global scale could lead to material savings and generation of new jobs.

Fully aligned with this shift in waste management, Harokopio University together with Technological Education Institute of Crete organise the International Conference ORBIT 2016 “Circular Economy and Organic Waste Management”, under the auspices of the European Compost Network.

Following the tradition of its predecessors, the 10th ORBIT Conference will tackle all aspects of management and recovery of organic residues – from waste prevention and decoupling organic waste generation to beneficial recycling of compost and digestate into soil and energy recovery as methane and hydrogen. The “traditional” themes of composting and anaerobic digestion – processes, technologies, product quality, and the role of organic matter in combating desertification – remain the core topics. In addition to them, ORBIT 2016 will tackle issues related to sustainable resource management in context with waste, efficient separate collection of organic waste, the impact of economic crisis on waste generation and management. To go further and to realize the potential of a circular economy, we have introduce new issues, such as smart cities biowaste applications and novel products from composts, the need to develop collaborations between disciplines, which were not used to interact with one another.

A particular focus will be on the food waste generation, prevention and management issue, highlighting the geographical aspects of it. The practices to tackle with it need to be adapted to meet specific regional conditions.

The Conference will present high quality, innovative research in all the aforementioned topics, as well as pilot-plant and full-scale experiences and workshops for practitioners on hot topics of organic resources management. ORBIT 2016 aspires to provide a major scientific forum to cover the latest research findings and policy developments regarding both material and energy recovery from organic waste and residues.

Selected, high quality papers will be published in Special Issues of the Journals Waste and Resource Management of ICE and Global Nest Journal, after peer-review. Discussions for more special issues are undergoing. Please regularly check the Conference website for updated information.

We will be pleased to welcome you to the next ORBIT on 25 – 28 May 2016 in Crete and we promise an interesting scientific and cultural programme, with many stimulating discussions and an excellent networking opportunity.


Themes for the Orbit 2016


  1. Composting and anaerobic digestion technologies and processes
  2. Separate collection of biowaste
  3. Food waste prevention
  4. Biobased economy and the biorefinery concept
  5. MBT: technologies and products
  6. Energy recovery from biomass / Biofuels
  7. EU policies and strategies for sustainable organic resources and waste management – the challenge of Circular Economy
  8. Climate change, LCA and decision support tools
  9. Facility management, safety, odours and environmental impacts
  10. Quality of Compost and Digestate / and Risk Assessment
  11. Compost and Digestate use, soil organic matter management, peat replacement
  12. Sewage sludge treatment and reuse
  13. Animal waste and manures
  14. Agricultural and agro-industrial waste
  15. Smart Cities for waste management
  16. Case studies, Country studies, Developing countries issues
  17. Waste management in the EU LIFE programme



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